FAQs, or frequently asked questions about pocket squares and ties
Pocket square - what is it?
Pocket square is a handkerchief decorative, which is a kind of dot over the "i", the icing on the cake of the whole styling. As a rule, the pocket square acts as a beautifying element to remedy "sad stain" on the chest (it is formed by a large area of one color in the jacket, such as a navy blue stain in the case of a navy blue suit).
When wearing a suit, shirt and tie, a pocket square completes the styling. It is worth remembering that the pocket square in some way referred to color and/or pattern to other elements of our outfit, such as socks, tie, shirt, jacket or suit. For example, a pocket square with elements of purple and white will look good paired with a white shirt, navy blue suit and purple socks.
We want to emphasize that in our opinion, the pocket square becomes more important when we do not have a tie.
How to fold a pocket square?
We do not recommend you to learn 157 ways how to fold a pocket square or how to fold a pocket square. Just stick to our simple rule, namely:
Choose a submission TV fold, when you dress for any formal opportunity (Recommended here especially linen pocket squares).
Choose a submission puff for any other occasion (catch the pocket square in the middle, twist it 2-3 times, put it in your pocket and stretch it out). It is important that the submission is loose, airy, nonchalant - this will ensure that the pocket square is properly received.
Of course, if you already have a lot of experience in the world of men's elegance, you may want to experiment with other ways of how to put together a pocket square.
How to choose a pocket square?
First of all, we should be guided by rules of combining patterns and colors. The main rule is that the pocket square should somehow relate to another element of our styling, such as socks, shirt or tie.
In our opinion, it is best if the pocket square is tailored in color. For example, the white background of the patterned pocket square, refers to the white shirt. The fine orange elements on the pocket square will match the orange tie, etc.
The cloak can not only complement color, but also be matched on the basis of complementary colors, for example, we can wear a green pocket square to a brown tie (brown and green are the colors of the tree, which match perfectly).

How to tie a tie?
We recommend two bindings - oriental i four in hand. The second type has two additional variations - Victoria and Albert (will work well if you want a less conventional knot). However, in general tying forur in hand matches most ties and we rate it as this best, because it works in every situation.
Sometimes it is not worth experimenting, because not every tie allows you to experiment. Volume of the tie knot should correspond with the collar lining of the shirt and with the face shape. It is worth adding at this point that we dress to direct attention to ourselves, so tying should not draw our interlocutor's eyes away from our face and direct them towards the knot. The caller will subconsciously glance at the poor node. To avoid this let's bet on the proven four in hand.
In the case of thick ties, such as. woolen, recommend oriental knot. With this node, we get rid of volume.

What kind of tie for a navy blue suit? What tie to wear with a gray suit?
In our opinion, these questions are somewhat misplaced. We should not think about what tie to choose for a navy blue or gray suit, but what effect we want to achieve with our styling. Both to a navy blue suit and to a gray suit, 99% of ties will fit (the exception may be, for example, a black tie to a navy blue suit, but this is still a subjective opinion, since black theoretically goes with everything).
Read also:
What kind of tie for a black suit?
We believe that black tie will work best with a black suit. The black suit is the formal one reserved for formal occasions in the evening or for sad events such as funeral ceremonies.
However, if you are looking for something more than black tie, we can recommend a black tie with dots that relate in color to the shirt. A second good alternative is black grenadine tie, where we have something interesting at the level of material structure.
In theory, various colors go with black, but the black suit, as an outfit for special tasks, does not, in our opinion, require experiments.
How to match a tie to a shirt?
Here, too, we must consider why we would match a tie to a shirt. The shirt is usually the canvas on which we want to paint with accessories.
If you don't want the shirt to get in the way of your styling, we recommend having a 9/10 shirts in the closet in white - you will avoid wastes of time on the selection of the rest of the accessories. Alternatively, you can bet on a blue shirt, but it will already require more commitment to matching the rest of the closet items (however, if you want a blue shirt, go for contrasts, such as a clearly distinguishable brown tie).
With a white shirt, it's the accessories that do the job, not fighting with the shirt for attention.
If you are beginners in the world of men's elegance, for simplicity, you can follow the rule: plain tie + patterned shirt or plain shirt + patterned tie.

How to match a tie with a jacket?
Tie not should fight the navy for attention. Accessories are there to look good and complement the styling. Let's consider this with an example. We can't wear an intense checkered brown-orange jacket and a patterned tie. Such a dejected jacket is extinguished with a single-color tie, such as brown.
A subdued jacket, on the other hand, begs to be complemented with an interesting patterned tie, which will do the whole styling for us. There's no denying that in a navy blue suit (or gray) without more intense accessories, we just look like a blue/gray stain. You can learn a lot more from the article Rules for combining patterns and colors.