The art of shredding 12.03.15
A scarf - brief instructions for use
The pochette, or small handkerchief, has played various roles over the centuries. From the purely functional (blowing your nose or wiping dirt off your clothes) to the decorative. Have you heard of such a rule of thumb "one to blow, the other to show (ang. one for blowing, one for showing)? Thus was born the idea of using pillowcases, which has survived to the present day. It is understood that the cotton handkerchief should be tucked in the inside pocket of the jacket and serve a utilitarian role. The handkerchief made of linen, silk or wool is displayed in the breast pocket of the jacket and thus plays a purely decorative role.
Photo. Styling without a pillowcase is simply incomplete.
Ways to fold a pillowcase
In our opinion, this is the best way to fold this small handkerchief. Very casual, even nonchalant, making it seem most natural. I put in and a minute later came out. I don't think anyone wants to hear from their partner "it's going to be a long time before you're graceful in front of that mirror?", "I'm on my way out now, I'll just arrange the pillowcase" (sic!). Of course, the puff'ka has many variations, it can be with a hole in the middle or sticking out fancily with one or two cones. A matter of taste, because whatever configuration you choose, it is just as quick to put together.
Photo. Sequentially from left: Standard Puff, Puff with horn, Puff with hole.
Another memorable way to arrange a pillowcase in a ruffle is TV-Fold. We recommend it for all formal occasions (white linen pillowcase) alternatively fold the silk pillowcase in Tv-Fold so that you can see its edges.
Photo. The first, from the left, is a casual way of arranging a pillowcase in a bruschetta and, in succession, two "official".
Of course, there are a hundred thousand more ways to fold it, but the truth is that a pillowcase is an accessory and there is no point in paying too much attention to it. In short, take it out of the drawer, put it in the bruschetta and get out of the house.
A few words about choosing a pillowcase
A pochette is governed by exactly the same laws as other elements of an outfit. Patterns are combined by difference (same pattern) or similarity of scale (different patterns). The handkerchief should also match the rest in terms of color. How to properly combine different colors will help you with the diagram below:
Photo. Color wheel with a description of the relationship between them.
For those who still don't quite feel what it's all about, but want to start their adventure with pillowcases, we suggest buying a white linen one. Very versatile, folded in TV-Fold will work in 99% of cases.
Does size matter?
Akurat in this case size actually matters. At the same time, it is important to remember that there is no golden mean. A lot depends on the volume of the bruschetta and the type of material of the handkerchief. A pillowcase fills overlay pockets differently and cut pockets differently. Dignito offers wipes with dimensions of 31x31cm and 33x33cm. Based on our experience, we have found this to be the best size to guarantee a moderate filling of the bruschetta. This avoids the less than aesthetically pleasing effect of "stuffing" the pockets while correctly and elegantly placing the pillowcase in the breast pocket of the jacket.
Quality of our pillowcases
At Dignito, we understand perfectly the role of the pillowcase in the modern man's outfit. That's why we outsource production to a small family-run manufactory. The sconces from Dignito impress with hand-rolled edges, meticulous hemming and great quality materials. Also noteworthy is the carefully considered timeless design. Original, often very bold colors and world-class finishes are, in our opinion, the perfect combination of.
Photo. One picture worth more than a thousand words.
Photo. The sconces from Dignito, is first and foremost a rich, timeless design.
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